Goalpost Net Ties – Stanchion Net Support Ties

Football goalpost net tie fittings are designed to secure the goalpost netting to the rear net support stanchion when the goal net is to be left in place attached to the frame. These attach the net to the end goalpost frames and are permanently attached when tightened and can only be removed by cutting off after use. These are an additional security net fixing to prevent goal post nets from being taken off freestanding goalposts. Ideal for plastic and aluminum football goals

Useful net fixings when goal nets are left on side frames for faster match day assembly on goalposts with removable side frames.


The best on-line  price for the net ties

£1.80p click to buy

  1. Goal Post Stanchion Net Ties Reviews

    Goal Post Net Ties Reviews

    Football goal posts 5 stars To follow
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