Goal Post Storage
Goal Post Storage at many junior and senior football clubs is inside large forty foot containers. The top photograph shows just how easy fold-able and aluminum flat pack ITSA Goal posts can be stored. This junior club uses two sets of folding mini soccer goals (on the right hand side) and two sets of 16’x7′ flat pack aluminum 9v9 football goalposts (stored on the left hand side). The larger 9v9 goals have crossbars and back bars removed to place on brackets above the side frames which have the goal nest left attached. On match days the frames are taken out of the container and pulled apart with the net attached before the crossbar and back bar are re attached.Once both are secured to the frame the net is just lifted onto the arrowhead net fixings on the crossbar. A 9v9 football pitch is set up in less than five to ten minutes depending on the distance from the storage area.
ITSA Goal post Storage of folding flush goal posts
The folding mini soccer goals are even easier they just walk out, the sides are unfolded,locked into the play position and in two minutes the pitch is ready. With all the goals being in strong fully welded aluminum tube they are so light that anyone can lift and move them. With simple wheel attachments both Mini Soccer Goals and 9 v 9 goals can be maneuvered by one person with ease. if pitches are any distance from the storage area. No need to hump heavy steel goalposts ever again!
ITSA GOAL lockable folding elliptical goal post. – Ten goals
Priory Parkside FC with the help of the Football Foundation have converted an existing meeting room to a new storeroom.
‘We have now moved all of our ITSA Goal posts into the new storeroom and have started fitting out. It was ready for the start of the final Mini-soccer school sessions. In the last year by buying new goalposts and adding this storeroom we believe we have reduced the time that it takes to setup mini-soccer sessions by 15 -25 minutes per session. Which means we need less volunteers (which we used to struggle to find) and makes it a lot safer and easier for us to administer the club.
ITSA lockable folding goal posts can be moved by two or with ground frame and wheels one person can maneuver the goalposts into any position with ease.If goals are moved any distance then rear ground frames and wheels are recommended.
what type of goalposts do you have at your club ?
this is how neatly the ITSA GOAL folding goalposts can be stored.
When football Clubs have numerous teams of differing ages all using specific football goalposts and they want to install quickly on match days then the safest way to store goal posts is erected with goal nets attached inside special compounds such as the one shown created by Sutton Utd football club.
The picture shows how many of our lightweight aluminium portable goalposts can be stored in two square meters. Twelve goalposts can be stored in one metre bins and this shows how much space is needed to store twelve 9v9 portable aluminium goals (larger goal bags) and twelve aluminium Mini soccer goals (smaller bags) . If you have restricted space for storage or need to transport football goals to the ground these are the best option .ITSA Goal posts Ltd are the only company to make these type goalpost and they offer these for all age groups including adult full size goalposts. They are quick and easy to install and take down. (full size version) and that is why they are so popular with tournament organizers.
“Goalposts that Work or Goalposts that make work”