Environmental Policy

“Save the planet, it’s the only one in the solar system that plays football “

As a long-established manufacturing company, we aspire to design goal posts with the environment in mind. We use sustainable business development systems to meet the needs of present and future generations. In line with ISO 9001 standards being introduced in 2025 we continue to strive continually to  improve our environmental impacts.


Be green keep it on the screen

Our environmental policy is a paperless electronic system to allow for Invoicing, specifications, and photographs to be downloaded quickly and easily at any time. Our paper waste is reducing year on year and any discarded paper is shredded and used in packaging or composted.

Environmentally friendly production

Our environmental policy is one of the most up to date in the industry regarding the impact on the environment. The company is working steadfastly towards ISO 14001 to mitigate any future impact on the environment. Furthermore, we aim to meet the criteria once it has been formalized by the European Commission to comply with future ‘Sustainable Public Procurement Rules’. Local authorities can rest assured they are purchasing from a company that is adhering to the current government’s policy on sustainable development.

Smart Meters

Most electric lights are on sensors that automatically turn them off when they are not needed. All electrical fuse boards are  only live during working hours.  All computers are switched off after use. (this single measure equates to the energy required to print 800 sheets of A4 paper) All our rooms are thermostatically controlled, and roof areas have additional insulation fitted. A “Smart Meter” records all business’ electricity consumption in greater detail than a conventional meter.  Furthermore, the energy supplied to us comes from cleaner, low-carbon sources: ‘47%  from renewable generators and 19% from cleaner CHP (combined heat and power) generators.


By reducing food and green wastes within our regular collection, less leachate is formed within the landfill and less methane, a potent greenhouse gas. All our waste is separated and recycled locally. Steel and aluminium extrusions are purchased from UK manufacturers and raw material waste is kept to a minimum. (less than 2%)

Electronic Media

We have invested in comprehensive websites to provide detailed information for customers to evaluate products before they buy. Customers can see videos and numerous photographs to quickly evaluate which football goals will be suitable at their location. We use environmentally friendly recycled packaging and manufacture products that last. Our football goals are engineered to last many years. Digital technologies are used in all aspects of the business and we no longer produce glossy product brochures that use valuable resources.


We offer a service for customers to return any goal post tubing and fittings for recycling – email jonpaul@itsagoal.net. We use environmentally friendly recycled packaging and manufacture products that last. Our football goals  last many years (see customer comments). We provide a full aftercare service and next day spare parts for all our goal posts to guarantee long lasting performance. This is backed up by the longest goal post warranty in the industry.  All our goal posts use recycled materials wherever possible.


Made in the Far East – Buried in Britain

We encourage customers to think twice before they buy imported cheap football goals. Football goals should be strong and ideally last for many years.  If they are unlucky enough to end up with a flimsy poor-quality goalpost, we ask that they post on social media and explain the problems they have experienced to help prevent others from doing the same thing. Return poor products and demand a refund as this is the only way to stop inferior plastic and metal goal posts being imported into the UK. These imported football goals often end up in a landfill. You can help stop the expansion of landfill sites in the U.K. by not buying low-quality short life imported Far East products.

Football Goals that will not cost the earth

Our company supplies goal posts that offer customers safer quality engineering, a long-life span, ease of use products and down to earth prices. We continually monitor our environmental performance to reduce our carbon footprint to help slow the trend of global warming.

Jon Paul Wilson
BSc(Hons) Env Studs (Open), Cert Hum